Monday, 24 September 2012

Symbio Wildlife Park

After buying a cheap Cudo deal for $9 entry to Symbio Wildlife Gardens Alanna and I took our cameras and spent the afternoon wondering around feeding and taking photos of some wildlife.
Despite the weather being freezing, we had a great afternoon (although for me its hard not enjoy myself when taking photos of animals! )

Albino Peacock - this little guy was really shy so was hard to get a decent photo!
The one on the right was my favourite! He/she loved attention and had beautiful long eyelashes
This thing tried to attack me when I went to give him some food :(
This photo I actually took on my iPhone, turned out really well mostly because he is so cute :)
For some of these photos I used free curves downloded from the following websites/blogs.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Something Sweet

I made this for my friend for her birthday. I just put it in a plain chocolate brown wooden frame from Ikea and it looked quiet cute. Jess liked it to so that's the main thing!

I downloaded the jar from Angie has such beautiful vectors available for download at very affordable prices, she also has some freebies too (like this jar). This website was originally where I got the idea from as she has vectors for download of pretty flowers in jars but I wanted to try make my own. My flowers aren't to fancy cause I'm not good at drawing on illustrator but I will get day!